Events & Workshops
Below are our premier events.
For other events, please join us in membership.
Monthly Member Meetings
Meetings for our members are on the first Tuesday of the month at the Maplewood Area Historical Society in Maplewood at 7 p.m.
2170 County Rd D East
Maplewood, MN 55109
A Zoom option is also available. Email lhsmndrive@gmail.com for the link. Please join us!
Upcoming Events
Events are discussed on our member mailing list. Join today!
Harvest Hop and Winter Weekend
Featuring all manner of dances, including Waltzes, Polkas, Schottisches, Quadrilles and Reels.
Dance lessons, wherein all varieties of Dances and Ballroom Etiquette and Manners shall be instructed by our most able Dance Mistress, are available to dancers of all levels prior to the event. Beginners are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Mid-19th Century attire is respectfully required. Attendees are limited to ages 14 and up.
Sewing Bees
Sewing bees are always open to all members. The goal is to help support one another in constructing high-quality clothing and accessories appropriate for the late 1850s and 1860s. Our library has patterns for ladies’, gents’, and children’s clothing as well as other resources to help with research and planning. Among our members you will find a wealth of skill, knowledge, and experience to consult about mid-19th century fashion, fit, and construction techniques. You can also get assistance with fitting mock ups, draping bodices, and altering patterns. Some sewing bees may also include a presentation on topics of interest pertaining to mid-century dress.
Sewing bees are currently being held in Minneapolis from 1-5 p.m. on a Saturday once a month. Dates and other particulars will be announced in the LHS Drawing Room. Please RSVP to the Sewing Mistress when you plan on attending. Bring your current project and anything you need to work on it and come enjoy congenial company in the rabbit hole of 19th century fashion.